
We welcome your support.
Donations to the shul can be made in several ways:
By clicking the Paypal donate button above, by BACS: Account name "Machzike Hadath Synagogue", Sort code: 40-07-01, Account number: 21376896, charity vouchers online (eg. AAC) to “Machzike Hadath Synagogue”, charity registration 289999 or using the contactless Goodbox in the shul lobby,
If you are unable to donate by any of the above methods, then cheques and charity vouchers can be made payable to “Machzike Hadath Synagogue” and left in the postbox under the Goodbox in the shul lobby.
Please download and complete a Gift Aid Declaration if you are a UK Tax Payer so that the shul can reclaim an extra 25% of your donation back from HMRC at no cost to yourself.
Thank you for your support.